H.E.I.Guide is an interactive listening experience at Klybeckquai in the port of Basel Nord.
H.E.I.Guide will be presented in autum 2020 again. Please visit www.heiguide.ch for suscribing to the newsletter
Until now:
24.10.2018 bis 2.12.2018 as a contribution to the exhibition “Radiophonic Spaces” of Museum Tinguely, Basel, CH
10.4.2019 bis 19.5.2019
as a Presentation of the Project of “Forschungsabteilung der Hochschule für Musik FHNW”
10.9.2019 bis 22.9.2019
as contribution to the Festival ZeitRäume, Basel, CH;
In order to understand the binaural listening experience in the following documentation video,
you should listen to the film with headphones
Equipped with headphones, visitors embark on an acoustic research journey through a sound landscape. Real sounds on site as well as field recordings in combination with interactive, site-specific compositions transform the Klybeckquai into a listening space between reality and fiction. H.E.I.Guide uses the novel possibilities of linking geolocalisation with binaural synthesis: virtual sound sources can not only be played, but also spatially placed, and strolling through the island one can explore it individually and acoustically. H.E.I.Guide is an immersive 3D soundwalk.
Here you can find picture and video files of the “LautLots” project. 2013
VIDEO Doku LautLots
More text and picture about the project
FHNW research project LautLots
Here you can find picture and video files of the project V.O.C.A.L. 2010/11
VIDEO documentation V.O.C.A.L.
More text and pictures about the project