LUMOLED – light-image-generator (2009)
Atelier Hauert-Reichmuth & Volker Böhm
Multiple (100 Ex.) / 170 x 110 x 40 mm / phenolic resin, acryl glass, elektronics, software
Some pieces are still available – Price on request
The light-image-generators LUMOLEDs play on 4 x 4 pixels only to create an ever changing flow of patterns and forms. Chaotic formations alter with geometric and rythmic ones, blinking flashes and soft shades interfrere with each other. LUMOLED is the continuation of a extended development of pixel-light machines and in a playfull way draw upon image generators in the 60ties computer art.
Supported by: Fachausschuss Audiovision und Multimedia der Kantone Basel-Stadt und Basel-Landschaft